Due to the expanding number of dental implants and and the wider appreciation of the importance of prevention there are less and less edentulous people. Still dentures are a frequently demanded type of dental prosthetics. Although in most cases dentures are made to fully edentulous patients there is a growing demand for the usage of different types of hidden precision attachments.
These and also implant or bar retained dentures are often ordered in our lab. For these type of individual cases, design and price are also subject to preliminary agreement. We are also prepared to fabricate temporary dentures after implant surgery in only 1 day! |
We know that fabricating a denture to a fully edentulous arch is quite a challenging job as both function and aesthetics has to meet the requirements in an often non-ideal situation. In cases like that the selection of the proper type / quality of material is very important just as the continuous communication between the lab the dentist and the patient. Our lab is able to produce perfectly matching prostheses by using the Artex facebow registration and individual articulation system.